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Why lucid Tribe Brotherhood ?
I have spent most my life training alone, thinking alone, travelling alone and creating alone.
There is a place and a time for that and things you NEED to go through to build your self from the ground up and sculpt your physique and character.
Soltitude is important, but its there to serve you to find your self so you then know where to look for your tribe and surround your self with aspiring ambitious and likeminded people.
But why not do both ??
Imagine what can be created when people in one group share the same values ?
The math is clear
1= Only The opportunites you can see or create.
1x Tribe = The way is only UP
You are a prisoner of your beliefs, values, identity and life views when alone.
If we never challenge them we might never leave the cave of plato to see the real light and beauty of a transcended human experience. I cant live thinking and knowing Certainly that there is more to life and not doing something about it.
I cant accept feeling left out and lonely when i know there is more of us out there struggling like i did.

On your own you can become as much of an opportunity creator, But unfortunately we are grown with an unfair disadvantage that have turned us more into an obstacle creator.
Unfortunately we have been conditioned to live our lifes from desire, fear we live in an evironment with daily information input resulting and low attention spams, constantly distracted and disorganized pouring our life force energy sporadically only scratching the surface and strengthening our own incoherrnece of thoughts behavious and realtionships
resulting in creating limiting beliefs of ourselves limiting our own potential and the life we could live.
I have lost a big part of my life spiraling my self into misery and hitting the one wall after the other.
Doing what i love alone have brought me growth and i have build character but it has been brutal and lonely
The fun and joy have been a small portion of the equation

Now i have the eyes to see the ears to listen and the hands to craft something different
Everything is better when shared, we are socail animals
its in our DNA neglect it and you will experience an incomplete life.
The Lucid movement is rising to communicate a statement.
Enough is enough FULL stop !
Share the tribe with friends you know can benefit.
Physical freedom
Im a new man since i started this community and became conscious of how much we need and can benefit from eacother.
Take Massive action !
Send out a message and schedule training with a friend or local community
There is no one around yet ?
Build relationships with your brothers in the group share your training , wins, goals , struggles, thoughts connect !