Most people don't really value sleep at all and think
“ I'll sleep when I'm dead”
That's true, you will !
and you'll die sooner if you don't sleep well.
So let's put it like this:
if somebody offered you a pill that cured brain fog, boosted your confidence, made you more muscular, less fat, improved your skin, reduced your risk of cancer and made you generally happier and more lively person, how much would you pay for it?
I'd sure as hell pay a lot. I take that every day!!
You have that for free inside of your body and it's called Good Sleep.
Good Sleep will give you all of those benefits plus many many more, but you have to make sure your sleep is optimized.
I believe sleep is the biggest life upgrade available to anyone right now. It ranks above nutrition training supplements.
You have to learn to sleep like a pro and everything else will become substantially easier.
Humans were made to rise and fall with the Sun. Spend their days doing active work, grounded into the Earth. very little stimulation, sleeping and waking up at exactly the same time. adequate rest and Recovery.
No one does this now. We're over caffeinated and over stimulated. We are living far more complex lives. Now you can stay up all night, entertained all evening and wired into a dopamine Matrix on your phone. So that's Why sleep is F@cked.
But how do we fix this?
How have I fixed this for myself?